Tip Tuesday Tip: Awareness vs. obsession...

It's important to be aware of what your body is doing and how it's reacting to the process of "getting to know" your instrument without obsessing over the details of the change...

As you practice more and develop a closeness to your instrument, your body will begin to "adjust" to it. Often times your jaw may feel like it's setting, teeth may shift slightly, certain "discomfort" may come into play..(NOT PAIN..., but DISCOMFORT... t...here IS a difference) or even a change in your posture... It is my belief that these incremental changes are somewhat normal as your body adjusts to becoming one with a foreign object.

In my experience, I've noticed my body adjust slightly to the instrument the more I practice it. I notice certain muscles develop, my tongue get faster, my ability to hold breaths... measured pressures... etc ...

These changes have been taken into account without me obsessing over them. It's important to rehearse the successes of your practice through repetition and reinforcement without worrying about every little tweak, shift, adjustment, etc that the body makes...

Remember... you were not born with an instrument attached to you...so the body has to adjust to it so that the body and the instrument become one...

Feel yourself adapting and know that the changes are generally beneficial! You're growing... so, be AWARE and not Obsessed. #shed #doyojob #growth
Berklee College of Music Brass Department